Yesterday, when I was plotting my course down from Minnesota, I noticed an opportunity on the map that absolutely could not be passed up. Earlier, I had to forego the trip up to Brainerd, Minnesota to see the ten story statue of Paul Bunyon and his ox, Babe for lack of time. My disappointment included the lumberjack breakfast in the nearby restaurant. The brochure promised flapjacks unlike any I've ever seen. The massive Spam Museum in Austin on I-90 was out too. Maybe I was being saved from a couple of certain cholesteral bombs. I do have a vivid memory of being curled up in the fetal position in Louisiana from something enormous and deep fried.
What I did see was a window of opportunity that would take me about 10 miles out of my way just north of Sioux City, Iowa. Here, I was looking at the chance to say I was in South Dakota, one of the three missing "lower 48" states I need to complete this American puzzle. All it would require would be a quick jump off US 75 in Iowa and a short jaunt up I-29, over the river and into the most southeastern tip of the great state of South Dakota. Time wasn't an issue, there was time, precious time.
My facebook buddy Phlash Phelps does the morning show on Sirius XM 60's on 6. He has been to all 50 states and all the US posessions. This man has literally been everywhere in America. He's not only done all these states, but he's done them twice! I believe he's working on a third go 'round. In addition, he travelled to 48 states in 14 days at one point, driving in a Cadillac Escolade. Plot that one on a map. One other thing you should know about Phlash is that he substitutes every single letter "F" with a "PH". I don't think he knows how to make an "F". I could have used a pal like him in school.
Phlash has a phenominal grasp of the geography in this country and can relate to callers to his show on a local level no matter what part of the country they live in. There aren't too many people who can pull it off like he does. He's the perfect guy to do a national radio show and make it sound local. No listener is left out. He's been in their neighborhood. It's got to be a profound love of country to do it the way he has. The more I see of America, the more I understand what this nation is about and find myself inspired to do it like Phlash.
The catch in all this is the fact that my esteemed broadcaster acquaintence has only done 45 states since the first of the year. I have been to 45 states since the first of the year too. In fact, in the past year, I've been to all those states at least twice with the exception of Maine. Fate has only guided me there once this year. Probably because Maine is the only state with one syllable. South Dakota would be #46 for me! I almost became giddy. I was going to pass Phlash by one! A chance to move into first was at hand.
The sunshine beemed into the cab of the Fat Cat as I wheeled her down that pleasant stretch of US 75. I could feel a twinge of anticipation as my coveted desitination drew nearer. I stopped twice to check the map to insure that I wouldn't miss the exit for I-29 and the promised land. As the exit approached for the northbound interstate, my pulse quickened as the truck jaked and downshifted into the curved ramp. Within minutes I could see it, the welcome sign proclaiming "Great Faces, Great Places" imposed on a background of Mount Rushmore. My heart just about skipped a beat as I passed the marker and into history. South Dakota was mine! Now, to make this whole thing official, I needed to put two feet on the ground in my newly aquired state. Ahead, there was an exit and I could see a convenience store and a place to pull up next to the car wash. With the truck now parked, I felt like Neil Armstrong as I prepared to open the door and step down onto #46.
As I hopped from the Cat and planted both feet on the ground, a wave of accomplishment overcame me. Where's the Men's room, was my next thought. I ended up picking up a South Dakota postcard and a South Dakota lottery ticket as further proof that I had been there.
I have to admit, this type of state by state travel is quite amazing for Phlash, because, most days, while I'm out on the road, he's broadcasting from his stationary studio in Washington, D.C. I don't know where he finds the time to travel 45 since the first of the year. There are still three and a half months left to the year and Phlash could take two weeks off and do the whole country again, but for now, I'm in the lead.